the band "Heavy Mental" rocks the house |
people enjoying an art show in the Gallery | |
A party |
Video from the art party featuring the bands "Grand Rapids" and "Thick Voltage" with Alicia Papanek
White Wall Project
video clip from the "White Wall Project
Displaced II - November 5th
Video clip from the "Displaced:" concert series
Displaced -October 15th
Some party goers draw on our drawing wall |
Guests admire the work of our artists during the "Displaced" art opening |
Liz and friends enjoy The Leviticus Studio Arena while a band performs |
Holy Days Art Jam October 1st.
A sculpture transformed, our guests collaborating |
Jam |
People Making Art at Leviticus Studio |
Our Previous Events
Leviticus Orchestra: A jam opening the night |
| |
A Fun Art Day for Parents and Kids | | | | |
A Late Night Jam
A sculpture Ready for Transformation Prior to a Party |
Leviticus Orchestra, Live Stream in the downstairs Arena |